Reserve Your Valentine’s Day Restaurant Today
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Reserve Your Valentine’s Day Restaurant Today

My amazing husband and I have been married for 10 years. Each year on Valentine’s Day, my spouse treats me to dinner at a wonderful restaurant. The only problem with this annual plan is crowd control. Many other local couples always have the same idea on this most romantic day of the year that we have. If you can relate to this scenario, why not reserve your Valentine’s Day restaurant now? Many eateries take reservations for this special occasion early. Therefore, when you arrive at your destination, you can be seated and served your delicious food quickly. On this blog, you will learn the many benefits of making reservations at your favorite restaurant for Valentine’s Day.


Reserve Your Valentine’s Day Restaurant Today

Tips For Attending Happy Hour Alone

Nora Harper

Going to the bar alone can be a good way to meet new friends, but it can also be a bit awkward. Long before you even go, you might be worried about who you'll talk to and how you'll avoid looking odd while sitting there by yourself. Happy hour is likely the best time to go to the bar alone. There will be plenty of people, they might be tipsy but probably not drunk, and the social atmosphere makes it easier to mingle. Still, you'll want to follow the tips below for a good experience when attending happy hour alone.

1. Arrive early.

If possible, arrive at the bar right when happy hour is starting, or at least before 5 pm when most people get out of work and head to happy hour. This way, you won't be fighting crowds of people for a seat at the bar or having to push through big groups to order a drink. Not only will this be less intimidating, but it is also just more functional; it's tough to have a good time alone at the bar without a seat.

2. Chat with the bartender.

Another good reason to arrive early is so that you can chat with the bartender a little before they get overwhelmed. Make small talk. Introduce yourself, tell them a little about what you like, bring up the latest sports game, and so forth. You do not have to say "I'm here alone;" they will realize. With the knowledge that you are there alone, the bartender will often watch your back throughout the night. They might help bring you into conversations with other groups, and they'll keep a closer eye on your drink since they know you don't have anyone there to do so for you.

3. Chat with people who come up to order.

When people start arriving for happy hour and coming up to the bar to order, make small talk with them. Compliment their drink choice, or ask them about a drink they order if it's unfamiliar to you. Introduce yourself by name early on, and they'll often do the same. This instantly makes it clear that you're trying to get to know them, not just being polite.

Hopefully, with the tips above, you'll make some new friends, or at least acquaintances, when attending happy hour. If you don't have any luck, try a different bar the next time. Different places have different vibes, and it may simply take you a few tries to find the kind of place that's right for you.

For more information, contact a happy hour restaurant in your area.
